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Sustainability - Not So Happy Facts
Each adult in the US gets about 560 pieces of unsolicited mail every year; amounting to the removal of 100 million trees. Get off the junk mail list and save 125 gallons a year and 460 pounds of carbon.
Every day in the United States 100,000,000 aluminum cans are buried in landfills.
32% of waste in the United States is from packaging. Every pound we put in a landfill generates a pound and a half of greenhouse gases.
How to Compost - From beginners to experts this web site is designed to be a hub for all composting information. No matter what your interest is, you'll find something here worth your time. Our goal is to be the best resource on the internet for composting information.
Greywater Central - All aspects of greywater systems. Why to use them, how to choose, build and use them, regulations, studies, and examples. Includes grey water irrigation, grey water treatment, grey water filters, and indoor greywater reuse.
Greywater Book - Create an Oasis with Greywater describes how to choose, build, and use twenty different types of greywater systems.
Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy - DSIRE is a comprehensive source of information on state, local, utility, and federal incentives that promote renewable energy and energy efficiency.
Energy Star by the EPA - Information about energy conservaton and a database of Energy Star rated appliances.
Plant Trees - Information about the impact of planting trees as well as the ability to donate to plant trees to help create pollution offsets. (i.e. 300 trees offset 1 person).
Native Energy - Information about carbon offsets, a calculator to determine your impact and ability to choose a project to offset your carbon contribution.
My Climate - Information about carbon offsets and the ability to choose a project to offset your carbon contribution.
The Climate Trust - Information about carbon offsets and the ability to choose a project to offset your carbon contribution.
Cellphones - Earthworks estimates that the mining for gold needed for a single cellphone generates 220 pounds of waste. Please recycle or donate your old phones.
How Recycling Can Keep Our Waters Clean - Did you know that there is an island in the Pacific ocean made up entirely of garbage and plastics? It's called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, and it's larger than the state of Texas. Not only is this pretty gross, it's also a really bad sign of how us humans treat our water resources.
repurposedMagazine - This company repurpose industrial byproducts (i.e. stuff headed to a landfill). They publish a fun newsletter that illustrates some of their success stories, but more importantly they solicit your ideas on what to do with these products to give them a second life.
Textile Recycling - Glass, cans and paper can all be recycled. What about t-shirts? Yes, in fact all forms of textiles can be recycled. Per the EPA, more than 500 textile recycling companies are in the business of repurposing fibers in the U.S. The Council for Textile Recycling says this industry keeps 2.5 billion pounds of post-consumer textile waste out of landfills each year. Of clothes that are given away, it’s estimated 48 percent get reused as secondhand clothes. The remaining used fabric, threadbare with holes and possibly stains, like your duds, get sold and sent to textile recovery facilities. There your Swiss cheese-looking socks are processed for their raw material. About 26 percent are converted into fiber for new products like wiping and polishing cloths. The EPA estimates that the average person throws away 10 lbs of clothing per year. That adds up to 2.5 billion pounds of unnecessary waste added to our landfills.
Permaculture Institute - Permaculture Institute is an educational non-profit, offering Permaculture Design Courses and in-depth sustainable living classes at different locations in Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Mexico and South America.
Pure Living For Life - A blog documenting our journey of purchasing land in a remote area of the country and building a small off grid home using sustainable building practices.
Fun Sites
EarthToys - An online eMagazine and web library for the alternative energy industry. We provide an open and unbiased platform where new ideas, systems and solutions can be expressed and shared.