RainHarvest Systems’ New Device Keeps Cisterns from Running Dry
GA, August 25, 2008 – RainHarvest Systems, based in Cumming, GA, is bringing to the American market a device that makes rainwater cisterns virtually bottomless.
Cisterns exist to fulfill the need for water when the rains are sporadic or insufficient. While they reflect good planning, they are limited by their own capacities: they can’t get a garden through a dry spell unless they were already filled with rain. Until now. The RainAid Tank Top-Up Valve ensures that cisterns never run dry, even when demand exceeds the cistern’s ready supply. The RainAid Valve automatically fills cisterns to a predetermined level in the event that demand exceeds the tanks’ contents. Cisterns that run dry can result in the quick parching of painstakingly-maintained gardens, or insufficient water for fighting fires. Whether we are preserving flowers or preparing for fire season, our backup water supplies need backup.
The RainAid Tank Top-Up Valve requires no electricity or complicated switching devices, unlike its over-engineered competitors. It uses municipal or well water to raise the cistern’s water level before it has a chance to run dry. The cistern is filled enough to keep it in service while not filling it so much that the next cloudburst is wasted. Having a rain cistern is all about having just enough, when and where it’s needed. The RainAid Tank Top-Up Valve is all about making sure your cistern can do its job with harvested rainwater, without using any more metered water than is necessary. New devices like RainAid Tank Top-Up Valve are greatly simplifying rainwater harvesting systems and addressing barriers to adoption”, says Doug Pushard, Editor of HarvestH2o.com. He continues, “The auto-fill feature of the RainAid Tank Top-Up Valve enables rainwater to be used as a primary source for toilet and urinal flushing while assuring that there will always be a constant water supply.” With toilets and urinals representing such a large percentage of indoor water usage, it's an important means of preserving our water resources. The potential of running out of water has always been a barrier to adoption for this extremely valuable application.
The valve works on a principle similar to the ball float in a toilet tank. A weighted line dropped into the cistern is attached to a valve that opens and closes the water inlet to your plumbed water source. The weight is heavy enough to keep the line straight in a full cistern. When the water level drops below the limit you set, the weighted line descends, opening the valve to your water supply. The cistern fills, again to a level set by you, and then the valve closes when the weighted line rises. Your cistern never runs dry, your pump never burns itself out, your garden never parches, and you use only as much metered water as is strictly necessary, keeping your costs low.
The RainAid Valve has been available for some time down under, and the reviews have been top shelf.
‘The Apex RainAid valve is far simpler and cheaper than alternative electronic systems. My clients prefer this, as it works well and provides better value for their money’ – Mark Culley, owner, Mark Culley Plumbing, Ltd., New Zealand
The RainAid Tank Top-Up Valve was designed by Apex Valves in New Zealand. Some states down under stipulate that owners must maintain a minimum water level in their cisterns for fire-fighting purposes. You don’t want your valve dependent on electricity that could be compromised by the fire you need the water to fight. This is smart design at a reasonable price, and installation should be easier and less expensive for not having to deal with electrical components.
For more information, visit www.apexvalves.co.nz and www.rainharvest.com.